January 7, 2019

Christian Bale rightly won the Golden Globe for his stellar performance in the mostly fictional biopic, “Vice.” As the Welshman accepted his award, though, he thanked Satan for inspiring his performance, calling Cheney, along with Republican Senate Majority Mitch McConnell, “charisma-free assholes.”
I refuse to defend Mitch McConnell.
The claim that Dick Cheney is in any way inspired by satanic impulses is absurd, of course. Say what you will about the many mistakes Cheney made during his controversial tenure as vice president, he wasn’t the dark lord his critics claimed (though he wasn’t above some self-deprecating humor in that vein). In fact, Cheney is a loving grandfather, a wonderful father, and has a distinguished record as a stalwart public servant. That he erred as vice-president is human. That he was some kind of demonic force operating within the White House is leftist fantasy.
It’s also laughable coming from a lunatic like Bale, who was charged with assaulting his wife and sister in 2008.
And Satanic? Please. The one thing we know about the former vice-president was that he was a staunch pro-lifer, whereas the Democratic Party is the party of death.
According to a 2018 National Right to Life survey, since abortion was legalized in the United States in 1973, an estimated 60,069,971 abortions have been performed. Read that again. That’s more innocent lives killed by a government (your taxpayer dollars fund Planned Parenthood, after all) than those killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust.
Today’s Left is engaged in an endless morality play against the generally Right-leaning ordinary citizens of America. Every elected Republican is evil and his motives for doing anything are to be questioned and lampooned, as we saw in “Vice.” But why? Why do people purportedly devoted to the notion of moral relativism, where right and wrong do not actually exist, cling to notions of evil?
Because they are a convenient apparatus whereby to assert one’s own rights to power.
Yet, oddly enough, the Democrats in media are always portrayed as underdogs and heroes fighting against an unjust system run by corrupt, evil, and ignorant Republicans (both the elected GOP members as well as their voters). Anything a Democrat does—even when factually wrong—is judged as coming from the “right place” morally, whereas anything the Republicans say or do is judged as being inherently evil.
Most Republicans disapprove of abortion. Even if Republicans are “charisma-free assholes” as Bale and his Hollywood friends would have it, they at least don’t have the blood of 60 million babies on their hands.
What’s more, the Left preaches to the American people with the kind of fervor that moved Billy Graham while promoting a thoroughly secular and charisma-free ideology..
In fact, most Democrats have a quasi-religious commitment to the secular sacrament of abortion. By what moral standard is the mass slaughter of children acceptable? And how do the same people who support this simultaneously find the gall to chide President Donald Trump for attempting remove American forces from Syria on the pretext that many children will die?
As for religious fervor and morality, Jesus Christ, as the Christian song goes, commands his flock to love the children for all “are precious in His sight.” The Church has made much out of protecting children from the consequences of the sin that Satan brought to the world in Adam and Eve’s fall from grace. It is Satan who inspires psychopaths the world over to harm and kill children, because children are innocent and remind us of our potential for redemption.
Go beyond Christianity and look at most popular fictional narratives. The most villains in fiction have always been those who’ve sought to harm children. Conversely, those who protect children are the heroes.
In one of Bale’s recent films, “The Flowers of War,” the actor plays a heroic Westerner who pretends to be a priest in Japanese-occupied China, in order to save young girls from being made into comfort women for the Japanese occupiers. Bale’s character has the girls pretend to be nuns, in the hope that the Japanese will be more lenient toward them.
Why was Bale’s character a hero? Because he was protecting innocent children from the satanic wiles of the marauding Japanese!
Flash forward to the Golden Globes this year as the Left presents us a narrative that Dick Cheney is evil because he was wrong about a set of policies as vice president. Mention the systematic, decades-long infanticide of unborn American children, thanks to the Democratic Party, and the Left shrugs.
Which do you think is the real party of Satan? Hint: it’s not the party of Dick Cheney.
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