It’s not often that Fidel Castro shares the stage. If during one of his weekly screeds (which he refers to as “Reflections”) he briefly steps aside to highlight a quote from a foreign well-wisher or agent, that brief quote will surely echo throughout his propaganda ministry.

“Hers is such a well-argued document,” Castro opined in his screed of May 8 [1] referring to an article by Vicky Pelaez, “that I do not wish to conclude this reflection without including it:
“The huge marches of this May Day condemning the pernicious anti-immigration law passed in Arizona, have shaken all of the United States,” starts Vicky Pelaez as quoted by Castro. “[The law] resembles laws passed in Nazi Germany or South Africa in the apartheid period.”
The article goes on to accuse Jan Brewer of “hate against people with an accent,” of “promoting ethnic cleansing,” and of authorizing Arizona’s police to fire upon people based on the color of their skin. It was as if Vicky was transcribing from a mainstream media/Democratic teleprompter. Castro quotes her for up to about 500 words, almost half of his screed. Again, a highly unusual honor in Castro’s universe. But then, has already explained [2] Castro’s discomfiture with Arizona’s SB 1070.
Ms. Vicky Pelaez became much, much better known this week when arrested by the FBI and charged (so far), along with 9 others, including her husband, of spying for the Russian Federation. The FBI affidavit stated that she traveled to an unnamed South American country to pick up cash for fellow agents in Yonkers sent by Russian handlers and to pass on messages. According to the FBI, in one 2002 trip, Pelaez returned with $80,000 stuffed into her luggage — eight bags each containing $10,000.
An item utterly unreported by the media is that Vicky Pelaez has been a faithful scribe for the Castro regime’s propaganda ministry [3] for years. Her work appears just to the left of Fidel and Raul’s own articles. As an interesting aside, the Huffington Post also publishes a Castro court scribe, [4] innocuously described as a “Cuba–based media analyst.”
“Fidel Castro is already immortal!” wrote Vicky Pelaez [5] in the Castro regime’s house organ back in 2006:
“He is a man who inspired and demonstrated the fertile path of truth for other leaders!…
We had the moments of Christ, Mohammed, Confucius, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Newton, Pascal, Bolivar, Marti, Che Guevara, etc. They all left the scene, yet unlike us mere mortals, they remain immortal…..they were rebels like the very angels of God who did not resign themselves to a sad destiny of mere mortals but instead valiantly challenged the very heavens to steal its glory!
Fidel Castro Ruz belongs to that glorious group of rebels! With his towering intelligence, discipline, drive, and persistence he launched his heroic struggle and gained his people’s support to fight for new and sovereign Cuba! But his fight is not over…!”
Manpower and time constraints prevent the FBI from using odes to Fidel Castro as tips to uncover Castro agents. Keeping tabs on Castro groupies would mean tailing the majority of the mainstream media pundits, Hollywood elites, and liberal arts faculties at every college and university from sea to shining sea—not to mention a plurality of Democratic legislators, including the entire Congressional Black Caucus. [6] One only need to consider the following evidence:
“He looked directly into my eyes! Then he asked: how can we help President Obama? Fidel Castro really wants President Obama to succeed.” So exhaled CBC member Laura Richardson (D-Calif.) upon returning from a junket to Cuba in April 2009.
“It was quite a moment to behold! Fidel Castro was very engaging and very energetic.” CBC member Rep. Barbara Lee. (D-Calif.) stated after the same trip.
“He’s one of the most amazing human beings I’ve ever met!” CBC member Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) announced after the trip.
And from Hollywood:
“Castro is very selfless and moral, one of the world’s wisest men.” (Oliver Stone.)
“If you believe in freedom, if you believe in justice, if you believe in democracy, you have no choice but to support Fidel Castro!” (Harry Belafonte.)
“The eight most important hours of my life,” (Stephen Spielberg describing his dinner with Castro, as reported in the Wall Street Journal.)
And also from the media:
“Fidel Castro is Cuba’s Elvis!” (Dan Rather)
“Fidel Castro is old-fashioned, courtly–even paternal, a thoroughly fascinating figure!” (Andrea Mitchell.)
“Castro has brought very high literacy and great health-care to his country. His personal magnetism is powerful, his presence is commanding.” (Barbara Walters.)
Alas, space restrains us here. The bandwith required to list all such odes to Fidel Castro would bankrupt George Soros.
As to the story with Pelaez, Columnist Joy Tiz [7] reminds us of profound warnings issued from KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov back in 1984:
“Cynical, ego-centric people, people who can look into your eyes with angelic expression and tell you a lie. These are always the most recruitable people (by the KGB) –people who lack moral principals – who are either too greedy or who suffer from too much self-importance.”
This description would seem to capture Pelaez perfectly: Last week on the Spanish-language TV show A Mano Limpia [8], a former colleague of Vicky Pelaez at New York’s El Diario/La Prensa named Miguel Ángel Sánchez, recalled Vicky’s suspension from the paper for plagiarism and how her husband Juan Lazaro (a Baruch college professor arrested with her) served as the official New York treasurer for the Peruvian Communist terrorist group Sendero Luminoso [9].
KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov also revealed how “those who reject Communist influence in their own country will be character assassinated…” And as it happens, Castro’s press thinks rather poorly of a FrontPage writer whom they’ve placed on the Stalinist regime’s official enemies list. “Traitor, liar and cowardly Bambi-Killer” are among the mildest insults Castro’s press hurled against your loyal servant here. [10] (Also note how, in the 2nd paragraph, the Castro-regime’s house organ insults Frontpage Magazine, Jamie Glazov and David Horowitz.)
URL to article:
URLs in this post:
[1] screed of May 8:
[2] already explained:
[3] Castro regime’s propaganda ministry:
[4] publishes a Castro court scribe,:
[5] wrote Vicky Pelaez:
[6] Congressional Black Caucus.:
[7] Joy Tiz:
[8] A Mano Limpia:
[9] Sendero Luminoso:
[10] against your loyal servant here.:
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