Posted By Matthew Vadum On September 26, 2014 @ 12:59 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 106 Comments

Attorney General Eric Holder is at long last relinquishing his cabinet post after nearly six unprecedented, catastrophic years of racial demagoguery and gangsterism.
Holder, who announced yesterday that he will leave office when a replacement is selected, will leave behind what is probably the most ugly and toxic legacy of any attorney general ever in the history of the republic.
Although he has all the moral authority of disbarred Duke Lacrosse prosecutor Mike Nifong, Holder knows he is immune to criticism because he is black and a radical leftist. He is a protected, pampered member of the ruling class and his arrogance knows no bounds. He ignores court orders and gives congressional overseers the finger.
Holder has transformed the U.S. Department of Justice into a racial grievance incubator, an intensive care unit for kooky, authoritarian ideas that should have died after the 1960s. The DoJ, especially its rotten, totally corrupt Civil Rights Division, is a lawyerly commune for revolutionaries who oppose the very idea of the rule of law. Critical Legal Theory and Critical Race Theory govern much of what goes on in the department.
It is no exaggeration to say that Holder leaves death and destruction behind after saturation-bombing the Constitution, orchestrating criminal activity in order to whip up public support for policy changes, fomenting racial tension and violence, persecuting political opponents and disfavored industries, obstructing justice, and enforcing laws arbitrarily and capriciously and in a manner calculated to benefit his friends and allies.
It was all too predictable. Holder was the official assigned to vet President Bill Clinton’s 176 last-minute pardons in January 2001. Among those pardoned were former Weather Underground members Susan Rosenberg and Linda Evans. He was deeply involved in Clinton’s pardons of fugitive financier Marc Rich and Puerto Rican terrorists. Holder is an archetype, a living, breathing embodiment of American political corruption.
“The news that Holder is going to resign should be bittersweet to anyone who cares about racial equality and the rule of law,” says Injustice author J. Christian Adams, a lawyer who used to work at the DoJ.
Holder is about race, race, and race. It’s what gets him up in the morning. His sick fixation on skin color is notable even in an administration jam-packed with racial obsessives and identity politics-driven Marxists. He brands those who oppose him as racists. This is usually enough to shut up most Republican lawmakers.
Holder has called America “essentially a nation of cowards,” because most Americans don’t share his radical left-wing multiculturalist views on race.
As attorney general, Holder refused to prosecute the New Black Panther Party members who openly brandished weapons at a Philadelphia polling station in 2008 in order to intimidate white voters. He also refused to enforce electoral integrity laws and ferociously opposes voter ID laws because he alleges they discriminate against minorities. He supports affirmative action programs, which by definition, of course, are racist because they discriminate against white Americans. He stood behind the egregious “Pigford” settlement, a vote-buying scheme that handed out government cash to black farmers whether or not they suffered discrimination at the hands of federal agriculture officials.
Justice isn’t blind with Holder. It has rose-colored eyeglasses.
Under Holder, the Department of Justice sent taxpayer-paid community organizers down to Sanford, Florida, to generate mobs to agitate against the so-called white Hispanic, George Zimmerman, since-acquitted of the murder of black juvenile delinquent Trayvon Martin. The agency has done the same thing in the case of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old black man shot dead after accosting a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri.
Of course, Holder is the first black U.S. attorney general, a fact he loves to repeat over and over again in speeches and media interviews, as if his race were a bona fide job qualification.
But he is also the first U.S. attorney general in memory to openly declare that he works only to protect the interests of what he calls “my people,” or those who share his skin color. White Americans with civil rights complaints are not a priority in Holder’s Justice Department.
Holder possesses an off-putting combination of creepy self-righteousness, cockiness, hatred of country, and racist contempt for white Americans that makes him the darling of the activist Left and the mainstream media that refuses to report on his many, many misdeeds.
Holder is not We The People’s lawyer. He is a talented political fixer who would be perfectly at home in Al Capone’s Chicago. He serves as a personal consigliere, or mob lawyer, to President Obama, the highest elected gangster in the land. And he will never double-cross the capo di tutti capi. He will bend and twist any statute into pretzels, torture any legal precedent into obedience, and strong-arm anyone who gets in his way.
Holder is the legal ringleader for today’s Democrats and their culture of corruption. After being held in criminal contempt of Congress in June 2012 –the first such citation against a sitting attorney general in American history– he is just a few steps away from being impeached in the House of Representatives and tried in the Senate for the high crimes and misdemeanors he has committed against the American people.
A formal impeachment resolution, H.Res. 411 accuses Holder of wrongdoing in connection with his involvement in the Fast and Furious scandal (that reportedly left hundreds of Mexicans and a U.S. border patrolman dead), refusing to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, refusing to prosecute IRS officials who leaked confidential GOP donor tax information, and providing misleading testimony to Congress about whether he approved invasive investigative tactics against reporters like James Rosen of Fox News.
This morally bankrupt racketeer ought to spend the rest of his life in prison. Probably nothing will happen to him. Rumor around Washington has it that President Obama wants to put Holder on the Supreme Court.
Meanwhile, Holder ally and professional racial huckster Al Sharpton boasts that he is playing a significant role in selecting Holder’s successor.
He says his so-called civil rights group, the tax-evading National Action Network, is “engaged in immediate conversations” with the Obama White House as officials consider a replacement for Holder.
Sharpton drooled over Holder, calling him the “best” attorney general ever on civil rights-related issues.
“The resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder is met with both pride and disappointment by the Civil Rights community,” said the Jew-hating man who orchestrated the Tawana Brawley rape hoax years ago.
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Holder, who announced yesterday that he will leave office when a replacement is selected, will leave behind what is probably the most ugly and toxic legacy of any attorney general ever in the history of the republic.
Although he has all the moral authority of disbarred Duke Lacrosse prosecutor Mike Nifong, Holder knows he is immune to criticism because he is black and a radical leftist. He is a protected, pampered member of the ruling class and his arrogance knows no bounds. He ignores court orders and gives congressional overseers the finger.
Holder has transformed the U.S. Department of Justice into a racial grievance incubator, an intensive care unit for kooky, authoritarian ideas that should have died after the 1960s. The DoJ, especially its rotten, totally corrupt Civil Rights Division, is a lawyerly commune for revolutionaries who oppose the very idea of the rule of law. Critical Legal Theory and Critical Race Theory govern much of what goes on in the department.
It is no exaggeration to say that Holder leaves death and destruction behind after saturation-bombing the Constitution, orchestrating criminal activity in order to whip up public support for policy changes, fomenting racial tension and violence, persecuting political opponents and disfavored industries, obstructing justice, and enforcing laws arbitrarily and capriciously and in a manner calculated to benefit his friends and allies.
It was all too predictable. Holder was the official assigned to vet President Bill Clinton’s 176 last-minute pardons in January 2001. Among those pardoned were former Weather Underground members Susan Rosenberg and Linda Evans. He was deeply involved in Clinton’s pardons of fugitive financier Marc Rich and Puerto Rican terrorists. Holder is an archetype, a living, breathing embodiment of American political corruption.
“The news that Holder is going to resign should be bittersweet to anyone who cares about racial equality and the rule of law,” says Injustice author J. Christian Adams, a lawyer who used to work at the DoJ.
“The damage he has already done to the country leaves a turbulent wake that is ill-matched to the financial reward awaiting him at a shameless and large Washington, D.C., law firm. Our country is more polarized and more racially divided because of Eric Holder. He turned the power of the Justice Department into a racially motivated turnout machine for the Democratic Party. That was his job in this administration, and he did it well.”Holder’s time in office “represents the beginnings of a post-Constitutional era, where the chief law enforcement officer of the United States serves to dismantle legal traditions,” according to Adams.
“Holder is the first attorney general to whom law seemed to be an option, a suggestion on the way to a progressive future. Most folks, and most lawyers, who didn’t devote daily attention to him might not have noticed the ground shifting during his tenure. But shift it did, and very deliberately.”Activism, as opposed to enforcing the law, is the proper role of the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, according to Holder. “Any attorney general who is not an activist is not doing his or her job,” he pontificated earlier this year.
Holder is about race, race, and race. It’s what gets him up in the morning. His sick fixation on skin color is notable even in an administration jam-packed with racial obsessives and identity politics-driven Marxists. He brands those who oppose him as racists. This is usually enough to shut up most Republican lawmakers.
Holder has called America “essentially a nation of cowards,” because most Americans don’t share his radical left-wing multiculturalist views on race.
“We, average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about race. It is an issue we have never been at ease with and, given our nation’s history, this is in some ways understandable…. This nation has still not come to grips with its racial past … ”So America remains a deeply racist nation, just as biased against blacks as it was in the Jim Crow era, as Holder sees it. Government-mandated racism such as affirmative action programs and other special treatment for minorities is desperately needed, in his view.
As attorney general, Holder refused to prosecute the New Black Panther Party members who openly brandished weapons at a Philadelphia polling station in 2008 in order to intimidate white voters. He also refused to enforce electoral integrity laws and ferociously opposes voter ID laws because he alleges they discriminate against minorities. He supports affirmative action programs, which by definition, of course, are racist because they discriminate against white Americans. He stood behind the egregious “Pigford” settlement, a vote-buying scheme that handed out government cash to black farmers whether or not they suffered discrimination at the hands of federal agriculture officials.
Justice isn’t blind with Holder. It has rose-colored eyeglasses.
Under Holder, the Department of Justice sent taxpayer-paid community organizers down to Sanford, Florida, to generate mobs to agitate against the so-called white Hispanic, George Zimmerman, since-acquitted of the murder of black juvenile delinquent Trayvon Martin. The agency has done the same thing in the case of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old black man shot dead after accosting a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri.
Of course, Holder is the first black U.S. attorney general, a fact he loves to repeat over and over again in speeches and media interviews, as if his race were a bona fide job qualification.
But he is also the first U.S. attorney general in memory to openly declare that he works only to protect the interests of what he calls “my people,” or those who share his skin color. White Americans with civil rights complaints are not a priority in Holder’s Justice Department.
Holder possesses an off-putting combination of creepy self-righteousness, cockiness, hatred of country, and racist contempt for white Americans that makes him the darling of the activist Left and the mainstream media that refuses to report on his many, many misdeeds.
Holder is not We The People’s lawyer. He is a talented political fixer who would be perfectly at home in Al Capone’s Chicago. He serves as a personal consigliere, or mob lawyer, to President Obama, the highest elected gangster in the land. And he will never double-cross the capo di tutti capi. He will bend and twist any statute into pretzels, torture any legal precedent into obedience, and strong-arm anyone who gets in his way.
Holder is the legal ringleader for today’s Democrats and their culture of corruption. After being held in criminal contempt of Congress in June 2012 –the first such citation against a sitting attorney general in American history– he is just a few steps away from being impeached in the House of Representatives and tried in the Senate for the high crimes and misdemeanors he has committed against the American people.
A formal impeachment resolution, H.Res. 411 accuses Holder of wrongdoing in connection with his involvement in the Fast and Furious scandal (that reportedly left hundreds of Mexicans and a U.S. border patrolman dead), refusing to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, refusing to prosecute IRS officials who leaked confidential GOP donor tax information, and providing misleading testimony to Congress about whether he approved invasive investigative tactics against reporters like James Rosen of Fox News.
This morally bankrupt racketeer ought to spend the rest of his life in prison. Probably nothing will happen to him. Rumor around Washington has it that President Obama wants to put Holder on the Supreme Court.
Meanwhile, Holder ally and professional racial huckster Al Sharpton boasts that he is playing a significant role in selecting Holder’s successor.
He says his so-called civil rights group, the tax-evading National Action Network, is “engaged in immediate conversations” with the Obama White House as officials consider a replacement for Holder.
Sharpton drooled over Holder, calling him the “best” attorney general ever on civil rights-related issues.
“The resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder is met with both pride and disappointment by the Civil Rights community,” said the Jew-hating man who orchestrated the Tawana Brawley rape hoax years ago.
“We are proud that he has been the best Attorney General on Civil Rights in U.S. history and disappointed because he leaves at a critical time when we need his continued diligence most.”The fact that racial arsonist Sharpton holds Holder in such high regard speaks volumes.
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