Wednesday, March 8, 2006; Page E02
According to a new book by two San Francisco Chronicle reporters, at various times Barry Bonds was taking two notorious designer steroids known as the Cream and the Clear, as well as insulin, human growth hormone, testosterone decanoate (a fast-acting steroid known as "Mexican beans") and trenbolone, a steroid created to improve the muscle quality of cattle. He also took Winstrol, better known as stanozolol (Ben Johnson's "go-to" drug), Deca-Durabolin, Clomid (a women's infertility drug thought to help a steroid user recover his natural testosterone production) and Modafinil (a narcolepsy drug used as a stimulant).

But no flaxseed oil?
A few months back didn't Barry say the only thing he took was flaxseed oil?
And that one of the creams was for his arthritis?
I'd like to get some of that cream, and then start hitting my driver 450 yards. And while we're at it, give me a side order of Mexican beans!
The book also alleges Bonds injected himself with drugs, or was injected by his trainer, or swallowed pills, or placed drops of liquid under his tongue, or rubbed the Cream and the Clear on himself. Bonds could have just walked through the Giants' dugout attached to an IV pole.
When did he have time to play baseball?
A few months back, didn't Barry say if he took steroids, he took them "unknowingly"?
Really? What did he think he was injecting into his body, a ham sandwich?
Sports Illustrated, which is running an excerpt, says the book portrays Bonds as "a menacing boor, a tax cheat and [a man] given to hair loss and wild mood swings that included periods of rage." (I never thought hair loss would sound so good in comparison.)
And last week, we learned ESPN, one of my many employers, is filming what amounts to a reality show with Barry Bonds. Exactly what reality will we be talking about?
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