Saturday, December 20, 2008

Today's Tune: Bruce Springsteen - The Wrestler


  1. It's nice that Bruce is helping out Mickey, but this song is mediocre Springsteen at best.

    "Did you ever see a one-legged dog...?" Uh, no, Bruce. And I don't think anyone else has seen one of these remarkable hopping monopods either.

  2. I like the song...granted, the "one-legged dog" line is a clunker. It's not the first odd phrase to show up in an otherwise pretty good tune...(I stll can't figure out the "just to buy you some shoes" line in "Drive All Night"). I wonder how a reference like "one-legged dog" gets past the meticulous Mr. Springsteen? Maybe he needs someone in his inner circle to be brave enough to step up and be an editor.

  3. Anonymous3:32 PM

    "one-legged dog":
    I thought/think it is
    "Have you ever seen a one-legged dove [not dog] making his way down the street?"

  4. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Are millions of people really missing that Springsteen is visualizing a 3-legged dog, not a 1-legged dog? A 1-legged dog would just lay there and squirm around, probably not do a very good job at all of making it's way down the street. I guess, like our eyes, our ears correct what we hear to a sensible image. Norfitz.

  5. Knufle: "one-legged dog": I thought/think it is "Have you ever seen a one-legged dove [not dog] making his way down the street?"
