Monday, May 14, 2007

Michelle Malkin: Church sign about Islam offends Muslims

May 12, 2007 11:20 AM

Several North Carolina readers send word of this WRAL report about a church in Spring Hope that is rankling local Muslims. The church's sign is causing controversy:

Well, as Robert Spencer has noted, Muhammad did in fact command Muslims to subjugate, convert, or kill non-Muslims (see, e.g., Sahih Muslim 4294). And salvation in Jesus Christ is certainly not the message of Islam.

The other side of the billboard at Good News Independent Baptist Church is equally provocative. It reads: "When is the last time you heard of a Jew or Christian with a bomb strapped to their body?"

An offended official at the Islamic Center of Raleigh has asked the head of the church and his congregation to "learn more about Islam." Or else?


Just a reminder of what some truly offensive religious signs look like (click on photo to enlarge):


Here's some background on the Islamic Center of Raleigh.

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