Thursday, March 17, 2005

Mike S. Adams: Blind Feminists Find Nut, Details at Eleven
Mike S. Adams (archive)
March 17, 2005

In 2003, the Women’s Resource Center (WRC) at UNC-Wilmington embarrassed the university by placing an obscene advertisement for The Vagina Monologues (TVM) just outside the entrance to the school cafeteria. The sign, reading “p-----s unite,” was even seen by children entering the cafeteria with their parents.

Last week, the WRC decided to advertise TVM on the lighted marquee in front of the university. Wilmington residents were greeted by the word “vagina” flashing in bright lights as they passed the university on the way to work, to school, or to church. In fact, the flashing “vagina” sign was positioned right across the street from the Greek Orthodox Church and the administrative headquarters of the local Baptist Church.

Because it was located in one of the most heavily traveled thoroughfares in the city, the flashing “vagina” marquee was considered distasteful by more than just a few church-goers. Those who actually attended were even more shocked when they saw lollipops shaped like vaginas on sale in the entrance to Kenan Auditorium. The lollipops were called “p---y pops.” Several “distinguished” members of our university community walked around licking the sex-organ-shaped treats in an apparent display of feminist empowerment.

Before entering the play, attendees were handed a program, which listed various skits to be performed. The skits included “My angry vagina,” “My vagina was my village,” “The little coochie snorcher that could,” and “Reclaiming c--t.” For many, the highlight (or lowlight) of the show was a skit called “A six-year-old girl was asked.” This skit asked a child questions like “If your vagina got dressed, what would it wear?”; “If it could speak what would it say?” and; “What does your vagina smell like?”

Fortunately, an actual six-year-old was not used in this particular production. Feminists occasionally make smart decisions. Even blind squirrels occasionally find nuts.

Unbelievably, the brochure passed out at TVM claimed the following: “Since the US occupation and regime change in Iraq, women have lost more freedom than they’ve gained.” Director Kathleen Berkeley continues the tradition of using the WRC to promote anti-Bush propaganda, even after the Kerry defeat.

But the most embarrassing part of the evening occurred when UNC-W Chancellor Rosemary DePaolo was recognized in public by the Vagina Warriors for establishing a domestic violence task force in the wake of the murders of two UNC-W students. This recognition was given despite DePaolo’s public admission that she spent less time on the murders of the two students than she spent on a hazing incident involving the UNC-W swim team. Both murdered women had been stalked by male students with prior criminal records.

The chancellor’s decision to attend the Vagina Monologues (and to be recognized by the Vagina Warriors) raises serious questions about her judgment. But I also wonder where the Board of Trustees stands on a few issues. For example:

1. Does the Board condemn the use of the “c-word” as degrading to women? Or do they, like (recently resigned) Colorado University President Elizabeth Hoffman, think the word is sometimes endearing?

2. Does the Board approve of the sale of sex-organ shaped lollipops at university-sponsored events?

3a) Does the Board condemn the questioning of a six-year-old girl about the smell of her vagina?

b) Do they see this as evidence of pedophilia?

c) Are they willing to condemn pedophilia, despite the campus emphasis on moral relativism?

4. Does the Board question Rosemary DePaolo’s competence? If not, do they question the competence of her advisors?

5. How long will the inmates be in charge of the asylum?

From what I understand, many campus feminists think that marching across a stage chanting the word “vagina” will eventually win them the right to vote. I think it just makes them look stupid. But, what do I know. I’m a happy man, without an angry vagina.

©2005 Mike S. Adams

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