Tuesday, August 31, 2004

GOP Convention: "Police Blotter"

The "peaceful and disciplined" protesters in Manhattan. by The Scrapbook, The Weekly Standard 08/30/2004 9:15:00 PM

THE SCRAPBOOK congratulates the organizers of Sunday's omnibus anti-Bush march for their spectacular success in persuading major print and broadcast outlets to describe the protesters as "peaceful and disciplined" for the most part.

THE SCRAPBOOK also congratulates the New York City Police Department for the series of highly informative convention-related press statements it's been releasing since late last week-which together make the PR success of the protest organizers seem all the more spectacular. "Peaceful and disciplined," they call this? From the good offices of New York's finest:

THURSDAY, AUGUST 26. Total arrests: 22. For instance: "At 8:38 a.m., officers from the Midtown North Precinct responded to individuals who had suspended themselves from the Plaza Hotel which is located at 5th Avenue and Central Park South. The suspects were attempting to hang a protest banner. Officers arrested the duo and also arrested two other suspects who were helping them from the roof of the building. During the course of the operation, a sergeant from Midtown North sustained a severe leg injury and was taken to Bellevue. The arrested were charged with assault. . . . At 5:25, an individual who had been speaking for the group was arrested for criminal facilitation."

FRIDAY, AUGUST 27. Total arrests: 264, each involving a "mass bike demonstration" Friday evening.

SATURDAY, AUGUST 28. Total arrests as of 6 p.m.: 25.

SUNDAY AUGUST 29. "Approximately 253 arrests were made, including nine for felony assault on police officers who attempted to arrest a 10th individual charged with arson. . . . The persons
arrested had secreted road flare-like smoke bombs and ball bearings inside cardboard poles that were authorized for signs. The same 'Black Block' group hurled police barriers into police lines at 34th and 6th. Others threw bottles. A police officer was hospitalized at St. Vincent's hospital after being struck above the left eye with a projectile. In addition, one of the police officers involved effecting the arson arrest received 3rd degree burns to his hand. . . ."

Cumulative number of convention-related arrests made by the New York City police department even before the opening gavel had swung: 547.

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